Why Work With Us
How much do you actually know about what you’re invested in?
If you own at least one fund, it’s very likely that you know less about your investments than you think you do — they report their holdings on a time-delayed basis, and don’t always show you the full extent of what’s in the portfolio.
It’s one thing to be properly diversified but it’s also very possible to be over-diversified — especially when your portfolio consists of layers of funds that each contain more investments than can fit on a single page.
No matter what kind of fund you’re invested in — whether it’s mutual funds, exchange traded funds, unit investment trusts, or managed accounts — and whether you’re in more than one of them, if you’re not 100% certain of what it’s actually invested in, you might not have much of an investment strategy in the first place.
With these huge fund portfolios, whenever something goes up, another holding goes down, so you don’t actually gain. You end up paying your advisor to tread water — and losing out on opportunities to capitalize on structural trends.
Not us. Meta Point Advisors helps clients take advantage of structural trends and capitalize on them. We cut through the financial jargon and groupthink to deliver portfolios that are diversified, transparent, and have a record of beating their financial benchmarks.
That’s also the approach of our thought leadership, which includes a monthly newsletter. Our writing and spoken words explain why many investors’ portfolios are suboptimal and muddied.